A and B Voicings are one of the most useful and great sounding voicings that I constantly use.
A and B voicings are to be played with just one hand. It could be the right hand whilst you are playing a walking bass line in the left hand or perhaps played in your Left Hand whilst you are soloing or playing the melody with your right.
Sometimes I use these voicings as a foundation in my left hand and add extensions in the right hand to add some colour or flavour (whichever metaphor works for you). You can learn more about extensions here.
A Voicing is 3 5 7 & 9.
B Voicing is 7 9 3 & 5 (13)

A and B Voicing for C major 7

A 2-5-1 voicing using A and B Voicings
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Lesson 4 – Chord Voicings/Inversions