Fly Me to the Moon Jazz Piano Tutorial

In this jazz piano tutorial of this jazz standard Fly Me to the Moon, there are 3 levels you can have a go at. Easy, medium and advanced level. Try one or have a go at all of the levels of this lesson. You can download the lead sheet below.

In level 1 you will learn the melody of fly me to the moon and simple chords you can use. Also we talk about some basic improvising.

Level 2 goes into more detail and options of voicings and improvising.

Level 3 pf this tutorial talks about some reharmonising and some interesting ways to play a little ‘outside’. Tritone substitutes, extensions, different modes and the diminished blues scale is covered in this level to some extent.

Fly Me to the Moon Jazz piano tutorial

Here is the Fly me to the moon lead sheet as a pdf and jpg.

Fly me to the moon lead

Fly me to the Moon JPG